COVID19 Teaching Resources

Virus Resources Click here to see the COVID19 Resources page
Resources about Corona Virus, RT PCR Testing, Immunological Testing, Vaccines, Clinical Trials. Check back as this will be updated as more information becomes available.
NEW!--BIOINFORMATICS SARS CoV-2 Vaccine Target Lesson
Race for Vaccine Nature article from April 28, 2020
A promising Vaccine is being developed by a company in Massachusetts, Moderna. They are targeting the Spike Protein. For more information check out the YouTube and the Moderna website
Bad News Wrapped in Protein a look at the proteins of SARS CoV-2
Coming soon--lesson on SARS CoV-2 proteins
Primer/Probe BLAST
Students will learn about RT-PCR testing of SARS CoV-2, and using the CDC recommended primer and probe sets, students will BLAST and identify SARS CoV-2 sequences. The number of SARS CoV-2 sequences are increasing every day. Students can also look at all SARS sequences, as well as Beta Coronavirus sequences to get a better understanding of this family of viruses.
Virtual Lab Activity-CDC Primer/Probe BLAST - Take a look at SARS CoV-2 sequences
Virtual Instruction of Bacterial Transformation with PCR and BLAST - These lessons were designed by Rick Heupel from Salpointe High School to be able to utilize BIOTECH Project Transformation and PCR lab activities for his biotechnology students
Bacterial transformation GFPplasmid
Lesson 4-Regulation Hypothesis
ELISA testing for SARS CoV2 video to complement the virtual lab activity
ELISA powerpoint with voice over by Cindy [Missing Link]
Two more simple and shorter immune system explained videos
Students will monitor the gene expression of numerous genes using a technique called microarray analysis. The class can analyze the difference in gene expression in breast caner tissue and compare that to non-cancer tissue. Students will learn about how cells control their expression of genes, what kinds of regulations are necessary and what genes and pathways are affected in cancer cells.
Microarray video based on the BIOTECH Project lab activity
Microarray Powerpoint [ Missing Link ]
Student Guide [ Missing Link ]
Teacher Guide [ Missing Link ]
Readings for students about cancer:
In order to understand cancer, you need to understand gene regulation, Khan Academy has a nice overview of gene regulation
Gene regulation and Caner from CK12, includes an assessment tool
Relating microarrays to COVD19:
Check out HHMI's Virochip, microarrays being used to test for many viruses on one slide