Name * School, District and City * Grades/Subjects taught * Email address * Phone (day) * Phone (evening) * What are the dates you are requesting? * How many students do you have? * How many classes do you have? * List the equipment available at your school * I am interested in Borrowing materials to do activities in my classroom * Yes No Scheduling a professional development workshop for my school and/or district * Yes No BIOTECH Project Activities Please read the following BIOTECH Project activity descriptions. Considering how much class or workshop time you have, please choose which activity or activities you are interested in. Activities - None -Kiwi DNA ExtractionAgarose Gel Electrophoresis with DyesBacterial Transformation with Mystery DNAGene Regulation of Transformed BacteriaDNA Fingerprinting for HS Please choose: - None -Cat Food CaperBubble Gum MysteryBubble Gum MysteryWho took a bite out of the Principal's Cookie DNA Fingerprinting for MS Please choose: - None -Cat Food CaperBubble Gum MysteryJr. High Romance MysteryTodd Family Paternity