MCB 101/102


MCB 101/102 Lab

In Spring 2013, University of Arizona’s Molecular and Cellular Biology Department (MCB) began offering three units of UA credit for each of the two biotechnology courses as MCB101 and MCB102. UA tuition and fees for three college credits  has been reduced to $475.75 (equivalent to $158.58 per unit, compared to the $780.91 tuition and fess for one unit normally).  

To find out more about MCB101 and MCB102 check out the webpage: MCB101/102 webpage or contact Dr. Daryn Stover:

MCB 101/102 Students

During the first year of this two-year course sequence, students learn the techniques used in biotechnology.  This includes measuring small volumes in the microliter range, working with DNA by extracting, measuring, sequencing, studying a specific gene and comparing to other DNA in public databases, working with proteins and assessing the relative concentrations, comparing protein profiles in different tissue types or species, and analyzing proteins involved in the detection of diseases.

Gel Stain Lab

The emphasis of MCB101 includes: laboratory safety practices, the history and applications of recombinant DNA technology, careers in biotechnology, and the human genome project. Students are introduced to a variety of techniques used in biotechnology and molecular biology using the equipment frequently used in a research or industrial setting. Students in the second year of the biotechnology course work closely with UA graduate and undergraduate students who are active in UA research.

MCB 101/102 Lab

Thank you to the Marshall Foundation for funding 60 MCB101 and MCB102 scholarships for the 2015-2016 school year.

Read about it on UANews